
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.

This function sets hints for the next call to @ref glfwCreateWindow. The hints, once set, retain their values until changed by a call to this function or @ref glfwDefaultWindowHints, or until the library is terminated.

Only integer value hints can be set with this function. String value hints are set with @ref glfwWindowHintString.

This function does not check whether the specified hint values are valid. If you set hints to invalid values this will instead be reported by the next call to @ref glfwCreateWindow.

Some hints are platform specific. These may be set on any platform but they will only affect their specific platform. Other platforms will ignore them. Setting these hints requires no platform specific headers or functions.

extern (C) @nogc nothrow __gshared
int hint
int value


hint int

The window hint to set.

value int

The new value of the window hint.

Errors: Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref GLFW_INVALID_ENUM.

Thread Safety

This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref window_hints @sa @ref glfwWindowHintString @sa @ref glfwDefaultWindowHints



Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwOpenWindowHint.

Ingroup: window