
Sets the iconify callback for the specified window.

This function sets the iconification callback of the specified window, which is called when the window is iconified or restored.

extern (C) @nogc nothrow __gshared


window GLFWwindow*

The window whose callback to set.

callback GLFWwindowiconifyfun

The new callback, or null to remove the currently set callback.

Return Value

The previously set callback, or null if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

Errors: Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@remark @wayland The wl_shell protocol has no concept of iconification, this callback will never be called when using this deprecated protocol.

Thread Safety

This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref window_iconify



Added in version 3.0.

Ingroup: window