
Returns a string describing the compile-time configuration.

This function returns the compile-time generated version string of the GLFW library binary. It describes the version, platform, compiler and any platform-specific compile-time options. It should not be confused with the OpenGL or OpenGL ES version string, queried with glGetString.

__Do not use the version string__ to parse the GLFW library version. The @ref glfwGetVersion function provides the version of the running library binary in numerical format.

extern (C) @nogc nothrow __gshared

Return Value

Type: const(char)*

The ASCII encoded GLFW version string.

Errors: None.

@remark This function may be called before @ref glfwInit.

Pointer lifetime

The returned string is static and compile-time generated.

Thread Safety

This function may be called from any thread.

@sa @ref intro_version @sa @ref glfwGetVersion



Added in version 3.0.

Ingroup: init