
Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick.

This function returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick. Each element in the array is either GLFW_PRESS or GLFW_RELEASE.

For backward compatibility with earlier versions that did not have @ref glfwGetJoystickHats, the button array also includes all hats, each represented as four buttons. The hats are in the same order as returned by __glfwGetJoystickHats__ and are in the order _up_, _right_, _down_ and _left_. To disable these extra buttons, set the @ref GLFW_JOYSTICK_HAT_BUTTONS init hint before initialization.

If the specified joystick is not present this function will return null but will not generate an error. This can be used instead of first calling @ref glfwJoystickPresent.

extern (C) @nogc nothrow __gshared
int jid
int* count


jid int

The joystick to query.

count int*

Where to store the number of button states in the returned array. This is set to zero if the joystick is not present or an error occurred.

Return Value

Type: const(ubyte)*

An array of button states, or null if the joystick is not present or an error occurred.

Errors: Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, @ref GLFW_INVALID_ENUM and @ref GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

Pointer lifetime

The returned array is allocated and freed by GLFW. You should not free it yourself. It is valid until the specified joystick is disconnected or the library is terminated.

Thread Safety

This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref joystick_button



Added in version 2.2. @glfw3 Changed to return a dynamic array.

Ingroup: input