The joystick to vibrate.
The low frequency vibration intensity.
The high frequency vibration intensity.
GLFW_TRUE if successful, or GLFW_FALSE if no joystick is connected, or the joystick does not support the rumble effect.
@errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref GLFW_INVALID_ENUM.
This function must only be called from the main thread.
Note: @win32 This function is only implemented for XInput devices. Note: @macos This function is not implemented.
Ingroup: input
Sets the intensity of a joystick's rumble effect.
This function sends vibration data to joysticks that implement haptic feedback effects using two vibration motors: a low-frequency motor, and a high-frequency motor.
Vibration intensity is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, where 0.0 is no vibration, and 1.0 is maximum vibration. It is set separately for the joystick's low frequency and high frequency rumble motors.
If the specified joystick is not present or does not support the rumble effect, this function will return GLFW_FALSE but will not generate an error.